Business and Finance


Particle tracking technology from Partrac has been featured in a project by Jack Poleykett Ph.D. from the Centre for Global Eco Innovation at Lancaster University. Partrac said the study aims to improve particle tracking methodologies to increase flexibility and improve data collection for the industry with the hopes of reducing costs.

Particle tracking provides qualitative and quantitative data regarding the spatial and temporal dynamics of sediments and soil. In the past research has predominantly focused on the effectiveness of various types of tracers with little emphasis on how they are deployed monitored and recovered. The effectiveness of different tracer materials is highly dependent on deployment monitoring and recovery methodologies.

This project uses a unique tracer supplied to Lancaster University by Partrac. The tracers called ‘dual signature’ tracers are made of particles (grains) that have two signatures which are used to identify the particles.

The project’s key achievement to date is the development of an analytical method to quantify the mass of two unique tracer colors (namely green and pink) from within environmental samples.