Business and Finance

MacArtney and Teledyne ODI Partner

In partnership with Teledyne ODI MacArtney France will provide the underwater mateable connectors for the Mediterranean Eurocentre for Underwater Sciences and Technologies (MEUST) neutrino observatory project.

The MEUST project is a second-generation deep-sea neutrino observatory infrastructure project integrated in the European network of neutrino telescope KM3NeT and deep-sea technology EMSO.

The MEUST infrastructure will be installed in the Mediterranean Sea approximately 45 kilometers (28 miles) off Toulon France at 2500 meters water depth. The MEUST project will use underwater photomultiplier sensors to detect and study neutrino collisions.

The seafloor connectivity infrastructure needs to provide power and transmit data between instrumented mooring lines and the shore. This is achieved by means of a telecommunication cable connected to an offshore node onto which user ports allow the connection of lines using interconnection cables equipped with wet mateable connectors. MacArtney France will supply Teledyne ODI with wet mateable connectors to equip the node and the interlink cables between detection units and between detection units and nodes.