
Panama Chapter Issues Call for Papers for April Meeting

The Western Dredging Association (WEDA) Panama Chapter has issued a call for papers for its annual meeting to be held April 26 through 28 2010 at the Hotel El Panama Convention Center in Panama Republic of Panama. The theme of the conference is “Dredging and the Panama Canal Expansion – An Update” and will focus on dredging and environmental issues associated with dredging projects in Panama.

Abstracts can be submitted to Carlos A. Reyes R.: OPDV-OF1@pancanal.com;
Dr. Ram Mohan rmohan@anchorqea.com;
or Dr. Robert E. Randall: r-randall@tamu.edu

Topics of Interest are:

•Panama Canal Expansion Dredging Projects
•Pacific Entrance Dredging
•Fresh Water Dredging
•Atlantic Entrance Dredging
•Access Channels Dry Excavation & Dredging
•Geotechnical & Geological dredging Aspects
•Environmental Aspects
•New Technologies and Equipment
•Special Projects and Techniques
•Regional Projects of Interest Include:
1.Dique del Canal de Colombia
2.Rio Sixaola Dredging & Land Reclamation
3.Islas de Punta Pacifica in Panama

Also included in this three-day conference are onsite visits to the Pacific entrance dredging access channels excavation and dredging Gaillard cut dredging and Gatun Lake fresh water dredging and tentatively the Atlantic Entrance.

This conference will be a forum for discussions between North Central and South American dredging contractors Panama Canal Authority other government agencies environmentalists consultants academicians civi and ocean engineers who work in the exciting fields of dredging navigation marine engineering and construction and the enhancement of the marine environment. Interested authors should submit a one page abstract to one of the following Panama WEDA & Texas A&M Technical Papers Committee members:

Dr. Ram Mohan; Partner Anchor QEA LLC 12 Penns Trail Suite 138; Newtown PA 18940; email: rmohan@anchorqea.com; phone: 267-756-7165; fax: 267-756-7166

Dr. Robert E. Randall Professor & Director Department of Civil Eng.; Center for Dredging Studies P. O. Box 526725; College Station TX 979845; email: r-randall@tamu.edu; phone: 979-845-4568; fax: 979-862-8162

Carlos A. Reyes R.; Gerente Division de Dragado; Panama Canal Authority; Miami FL 33152;
email: OPDV-OF1@pancanal.com; phone: 507-276-6209; fax: 507-276-0661